Management and planning and production foreign language education business, the WEB / video content, planning and development of various tools.

At ONE'S WORD we develop our business based on three themes

Social business

At ONE'S WORD we're not here to profits for benefits' sake.
We want to make the greatest social impact.
We want to work with students and teachers, clients and other enterprises to create a cycle of positive impacts whereby we can cooperate to create a stronger and more sustainable global business and community.


A social business, as defined by Nobel laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus, needs to be self-sustainable. For that, we need to be really good at something. Our forte is Language Educations Service. We provide quality English training, educational contents, and software produced by our specialized staff and our network of university professors ready to guarantee the highest possible quality.


We think modernization is a vast business field of its own. We will take advantage of the newest network technologies to take on new business challenges to increase our service range, and to connect with more people with whom we can make the world a better place one step, or one word at a time.